I just finished the first buck for the fall, funny enough it was from 2009. I was brought a buck that was shot on the opening weekend of deer season last year, and had set outside since that time. The hide had securely adhered itself to the skull, and had turned to rock solid leather. Also the horns had been bleached to an ash gray color, and began feeling chalky in texture. Fortunately for the buck owner I was able to remove all of the old hide, and re-color the horns to a very natural looking color. Check out the before-and-after pictures below and also the completed work on the right side of the screen named "Mr. O'brien 2009 Buck 2"
I would like to thank you for visiting my website, and I would like to introduce myself. My name is Korey McCrady and I am the Youth Minister at the Cowboy Church of Ennis. I am blessed every day that the Lord is allowing me to be part of such an amazing ministry. I also currently specialize in European, or skull, mounts. I have had the opportunity to work on many heads to date, and look forward to doing many more in the Ellis and Navarro County areas.
I normally have a very quick turnaround on heads, but depending on the time of year, and what is going on ministry wise, depends on how fast I can get your trophy back to you! I always tell people that I enjoy my hobby, but I love my ministry; so I am a minister first and a taxidermist as the Lord allows! Have a blessed hunting season!